
Euthanasia refers to the process of humanely and painlessly ending the life of an animal to prevent their suffering. We all wish our pets could live forever with us and the short time we have with them is never long enough. At Sunset Days, we believe that a peaceful and dignified death is a gift we can offer pets approaching the end of their life to relieve their pain and spare them from any further discomfort. If you feel that your pet has reached a point where euthanasia is appropriate, we can offer a peaceful transition across the Rainbow Bridge from the comfort of your own home. Below is a brief description of the process, if you would like to know ahead of time. We will also go over this prior to the procedure for all members who are present and answer any questions you may have before starting the process. 

Our Process: Upon arrival, we will discuss your options for aftercare and have a few forms for you to sign, as well as collect payment prior to the procedure and answer any questions you may have. Just as every pet is different, each euthanasia experience will be different as well. A specific euthanasia protocol is designed for each individual animal based on factors such as their age, disease process, and personality. First, a combination of medications is administered as a single injection under the skin to help your pet relax and allow your pet to sleep deeply and peacefully and be free from any pain or awareness of the procedure. Once they are completely asleep and relaxed, we will move forward with the euthanasia process. 


The cost for in-home euthanasia is $350. 

This includes all of the aspects of the euthanasia described above, as well as a keepsake paw print of your pet as our gift to you.

Please visit our Aftercare page to see the available options as well as additional costs. 

Accepted payments include cash, credit (all major credit cards accepted), or Venmo 

*Note: pricing is based on home-visits within a 20 mile radius of our location in north Overland Park, KS. Visits outside of this range will have an additional fee added based on increased milage.

Visit our online scheduler to begin the process of scheduling in-home services for your pet.